Ethiopia's Obligation to Compensate for Human Rights Violations: A Look at International, Regional and National Legal Instruments
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Addis Ababa,University
States has ratified and complied to various internatIOnal and regIonal legal
human rights instruments. Thus, the protection of human nghts has become the
international obligation of every state party to the given legal instruments.
As stated under different human rights instruments, Individual's nght to
compensation in case of human rights violations is international human rights
obligation of state parties to the legal instruments. Meanwhile, this right requires
states to adopt all the necessary legislative and institutional measures and
accordingly, comply with accepted international standards .As Ethiopia is a party
to a number of human rights legal instruments, It has a duty to comply with the
international human rights obligations which include victim's right to
compensation regarding human rights violations by adopting necessary measures
for effective compliance to the human rights instruments.
Ethiopia's Obligation to Compensate for Human Rights