Proximate Determinants of Birth Interval Length In Amhara Region: The Case of Fagita Lekoma Woreda, Awi- Zone
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Addis Ababauniversity
Adequate child spacing is considered as a posilive factor on Ihe health of mothers and their
children. The birth interval has been reported to have significant effect on the child'sfoture
physical and mental capabilities. However, lillie or no allempt has been made to identify the
socio economic, demographic and biological determinants of birlh interval length using
primary data in the study area. The general objective of this study was an investigation of the
key factors affecting birth interval length in Fagita Lekoma woreda. For this purpose, cross
sectional study was conducted in three kebeles of Fagita Lekoma Woreda, Awi Administrative
Zone. For this study, 504 eligible women (women who had at least two children) were
selected by using systematic random sampling technique.
In order to investigate the effects of co variates on the dependent variable, Cox proportional
hazard model was used. In bivariate analysis, the Kaplan Meier median length was used to
examine birth interval differentials by socio economic, demographic and biological
characteristics of women. The results indicated that almost in all birth intervals, educated
women, working women, Protestants, urban women, women belonging to the Agew ethnic
group, women whose index child has survived, women who had married at 18years of age or
ajier and women who used family planning programs have longer birth interval lengths.
In multivariale analysis, work status, contraceptive use and survival status of the index child
were consistently significanl while age at first marriage and place of residence were
significant in some birlh inlervals.
It is recommended that concerled efforl be made to enhance female educalion, their labor
force participation, expand coverage of family planning services and increase age at first
Length In Amhara Region