Assessment of E-Learning Readiness of Assosa University
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As e-learning is becoming useful to learning institutions, assessing higher learning institutions’
readiness is essential. The purpose of this research was to assess e-learning readiness of Asossa
University (ASU). The data collected from administrators, teachers, students, ICT experts and
library director. Descriptive research was used to obtain information concerning the level of elearning
readiness. A census was employed on ICT experts whereas stratified proportional
sampling and purposive sampling was applied on the remaining target populations.
Questionnaires and interviews were used in this survey and out of 316 distributed questionnaires
197 are returned. The response rate was 62.34%. Research findings showed that teachers
regarding to technology access and attitudes towards a successful online teaching, students
regarding to attitudes towards a successful online learner, administrators regarding to
administrative support and ICT experts regarding to their responsibility are ready but needs
improvements. The remaining assessments are not ready needs more work. As conclusion, even
if there are some readiness that motivates to think beyond on the implementation of e-learning,
there are also factors that are not ready to it. This thesis recommended that to university
management and responsible body motivate to do more on e-learning by improving the factors
which is ready but needs improvement and on the other hand factors which are not ready that
requires more work. The government also pay attention for e-learning and its readiness to solve
the problems that occur there.
A Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Addis Ababa University in Partial Fulfillment of
The Requirements for the Degree of Master
Of Science in Information Science
Assosa, E-Learning