The Right to Education of Children with Visual Impairment in Addis Ababa
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“Education for all” is a broadly accepted maxim according to which the right to
education should be availed to everyone regardless of any discrimination
whatsoever. This maxim has got its way to various international human rights
instruments UDHR being the pioneer one. All the instruments but the CRPD has
contained provisions with regard to the right to education in a broader context
making everyone to be the beneficiaries thereof. The latter, however,
contextualized the right to persons with disabilities wherein children with visual
impairment (CWVI) are categorized.
Ethiopia has ratified all these instruments thereby making them integral parts of its law. By doing
so, it has committed itself to work towards the realization of the right to education to the CWVI.
As a move to that effect, it has formulated various policies and strategies confirming such right
to the group on top of which provide the need to deliver special assistance to the group as their
need so requires.
Despite all this, however, CWVI are not enjoying such right of them in the required level be it in
the country in general or in Addis Ababa in particular (which is the focus of this study). This
being the case, this study undertakes to examine the hindrances attributed to the low-level access
of the right to CWVI as well as reasons that could account for the low quality of education given
to the group. After doing so, it attempts to come up with the possible solutions to be put in place
to tackle such hindrances.
The thesis accordingly found out that the level of access to school of CWVI in Addis Ababa is
very low due to lack of awareness, inadequate expert supply and training, low economic status
and low level of governments attention towards the realization of the right to education of the
said group. Not only that CWVI are not accessing schools in Addis Ababa but those students
who are enrolled are not provided with quality education because of shortage of learning
materials and stationaries, backward assessment modality and challenges of class lecturing.
Thus, the thesis concludes that CWVI in Addis Ababa do not have access to quality education
and their right to education is at its very infant stage and far from being realized.
Right to Education,Children, Visual Impairment