The Impact of Intra-regional Resettlement on the Livelihoods of Host Population and Resettlers: The Case of Chew aka Woreda
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Addis Ababa University
The resettlement program in Chewaka Woreda, fllubabor zone, has a noble goal of ensuring food
self-sufficiency among the people located in chronically food insecure areas of East and West
Hararghe zones of Oromia Jlegion. 1he program claimed to provide a rational use of available
land by readjusting man-land ratio and again with the myth of using zmder/unutilized lands.
However, the majority of the resettlers experienced hardships and antagonistic relations with the
local population.
Those hOllseholdf who were able to secure the promised two hectares of land were complaining
about the land types that are in most cases uncultivable without tractors and agricultural
machineries. As a result, they have been forced to remove forests and hillside plantations for
cultivation and irrigation, which instigated conflict between the neighboring Gumuz and the local
In addition, there are two main rivers in the vicinity the resettlers are not allowed to use water
for irrigation since the Gumuz depend on the rivers for transportation. This has also created
tension and instability between the two ethnic groups which in most cases en'pted to violent
conflicts. The Gumuz people have been hostile towards resettlers due to the intensified cutting of
trees by the new-comers which in turn affected production of honey using beehives. The latter has
decreased their incomes significantly.
Although such problems persisted even before the arrival of the resettlers, the study showed that
the performance of natural resource conservation and peacefi'l coexistence has deteriorated after
the commencement of the program.
The pressure on the environment continue to be a challenge in Chewaka, Little effort has been
made to correct such acts; the local authorities are primarily focusing on provision of land or
constmcting Kebele offices at the expense of the environment. Furthermore there is no awareness
raising organized by NGOs, CBOs or other concerned community groups.
Considerable impact of Chewaka resettlement on the livelihood and integration of hosts and
resettlers is witnessed that supplements the ideas of other similar studies. Moreover, the findings
tried to indicate the need for more intervention, investigation to improve the food security
situation of the country.
Intra-regional Resettlement