Community Perception on Street Children in Piazza Area, Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


This study focuses on perception of the community towards street children in Piazza area confined to wereda ten. Sketching and choosing multiple research participants purposively on the basis of interviews and group interviews with the households, shopkeepers, police, policy initiators, employees of women, youth and children, labour and social affair, religious leaders, high school teachers and students, taxi drivers and health employees helped to understand community perception about the conditions of street children in the study area. The study has employed a qualitative descriptive method. A semi-structured interview was utilized as a data collection tool. Having used non-probability sampling, the primary data were collected ji·om the interviewees, using personal observation, informal interviews and focus group discussion. The collected data were transcribed, translated, coded and analyzed. The ethical values and consent of the participants were also maintained. Findings of this research have indicated absence of social exclusion, and the presence of positive perception on street children. It is concluded albeit the community supported street children in different ways; it did not bring prolonged change on their life. As a result, it recommends that the communities, NGOs, GOs and other concerned institutions to do more to prevent exclusion, abuse and negligence of street children that must act to look afier ·who fall victim. It requires donating their resources to those children in order to liji out Fom streetism. Enactment of specific child policy should also take into account to protect the rights and wellbeing of all children in the country. Key Words: Community perception, street children, Piazza, qualitative descriptive method



Community perception, street children, Piazza, qualitative descriptive method

