The Dynamics of Land use Land cover change on the Stream Flow in Fincha Amerti Neshe Sub-basin: Abay basin, Ethiopia.
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Addis Ababa
Fincha Amerti Neshe sub-basin is densely populated causing various effects on resource bases because
of deforestation, expansion of residential area, and agricultural land. The sub basin is also facing high
erosion by the effects of intense rainfall of the watershed which aggravates the land cover change of the
watershed. The objective of this study was to evaluate the dynamics of land use land cover change and
its effects on stream flow using SWAT model in Fincha Amerti Neshe watershed. The land use land
cover change analyses were performed using ERDAS Imagine 2014 which was used for an input in
analysis of SWAT. Land use land cover changes for three different years of 1990, 2000 and 2015 land
use scenarios were used for estimation of stream flow. During the study period most parts of the
grassland and shrub land were changed to cultivated land. An increase of cultivated land by 18.57% over
25 years period (1990 – 2015) resulted in an increase of stream flow by 13.39m3/s. In Amerti, there was
also an increase of cultivated land and wet lands by 15.57%, 15.27% for the periods 1990 – 2000 to
2000-2015 years respectively. On the other hand grasslands were decreased by 10.44% within 10 years
period and 11.78 for the 15 year’s period. Moreover, shrub lands and forest showed a significant
decrease through the period. i.e Shrub lands showed a higher decrease during the second period from
2000_2015 by -11.13% than the first period from 1990_2000 by -0.84%. The water body becames
increased through the decades to promote Fincha reservoir through the tunnel for adding the efficiency
of Fincha hydropower. The Nash Sutcliff efficiency, coefficient of determination (R2) and RSR were
used for evaluating the model performance. The model results showed a good agreement and correlation
with the observed data with NSE > 0.65, R2> 0.84, and RSR < 0.6 values.
Key words: Fincha Amerti Neshe watershed, land use change, stream flow, Rainbow, SWAT,
ERDAS Imagine.
Fincha Amerti Neshe watershedl, use change, Stream flow, Rainbow, SWAT, ERDAS Imagine