Concern about HIV Testing on Early Presentation and Treatment of Malaria among Children in East Shewa Zone of Oromia Region, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Background:Malaria remains a major public health problem in the world with high burden of the
disease in sub-Sahara Africa, mostly affecting children. Malaria accounts for high proportion of
morbidity and mortality in Ethiopia and in East Shewa Zone of Oromia Region. To reduce this burden,
early presentation and management is one of the priorityarea. Malaria diagnosis based on
parasitological confirmation using microscopy/rapid diagnostic testing (RDT), which have similarity
with human immune deficiency virus (HIV) test, is therefore increasingly advocated. However, concern
of being tested for HIV can discourage community members from seeking biomedical solutions.
Objectives:to assess concernsabout HIV testingin delaying early presentation and treatment seeking
ofchildren with malaria.
Methods: A facility-based cross-sectional design comprising mixed quantitative and qualitative
research methods were conductedfrom October - November 2012 in five purposively selected health
centers of East Shewa Zone. The source population were children under the age of 16 years with
malaria symptoms in the districts and study population were < 16 years of age children who were
suspected to have malaria and requested for malaria blood film test in the health center accompanied by
caretakers. A total sample size of 836 (418 concerned and 418 unconcerned) mothers/caretakers and
their childenwere included in the study. A pre-tested structured questionnairewas used and all clients
were interviewed until the intended sample size was achieved. Data were entered using Epi-info version
3.5.3 and analysis was carried out using SPSS-16 statistical packages.Associations between dependent
and independent variables were assessed and presented using odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals.
Qualitative data were summarized manually and the result was triangulated across the groups.
Results: Of 830(412 concerned and 418 unconcerned with HIV testing) interviewed
mothers/caretakers, about90% had knowledge on malaria and HIV diagnosis/testing and prevention
while misconception on the two tests was also high. Nearly all(98%) of the concerned group thought
that health workers would do HIV testing for people who give their blood sample for malaria testing in
the health facilitycompared with only 4% of those unconcerned about HIV testing.About half(48%) of
the concerned respondents believed that fear of HIV testing was the reason for people to stay away
from seeking early diagnosis and treatment while only 11%of unconcerned caretakers agreed with idea.
About 48% of children presented to health centers after 2 days of illness.Laboratory confirmed prevalence
of malariaamong study children was 20.5% with P.vivax constituting 57% and P.falciparum
Mothers/caretakers concern about HIV testing was independent predictor of malaria treatmentdelay
among sick children [Adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 1.84; 95% CI= 1.40-2.44].
Conclusions:Concern about HIV testing among the mothers/caretakers was associated with delay in
presentation and treatment of children at health centers,and nearly half of the children were brought
after two days of illnesses onset. High knowledge of malaria and HIV testing observed,yet
misconceptions was also high.Moderate malaria prevalence with P.vivaxwas observed in health
facilities. Therefore, removing fear of HIV testing in the community and improving early treatment
seeking behaviorfor malaria through delivery of appropriate and tailoredinformation, designing a better
strategy and implementation by responsible bodies is recommended.
Malaria remains