Major Psychosocial Factors To Female Students Grade Repetition As Perceived by Students, Teachers and Parents

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Addis Ababa Universty


The main pwpase of this sludy was 10 invesligale some of Ihe major factors Ihal contribule 10 female sludenls ' grade repetilion in governmenl senior primw)' schools of Jimma Town. It attempled 10 idenlify Ihe major fac Ial's as it was perceived by leachers, parenls and female sludenls Ihemselves so as 10 presenl difJerenl areas of inlervenlions. In order to atrain Ihe objeclive of Ihe study, a descriptive method was employed The study was carried out in six primw)' schools that were selected using random sampling technique. The study also involved 282 fe male grade repealers that were selected using, random sampling technique, and 60 teachers and 6 principals purposely selectedfi'omthe six sample schools Both quantitative and qualitalive data-colleclion methods were employed to conduct Ihe study. Questionnaires, interview and focus group discussion were the instruments used for dala collection. The quantitative data gathered were analyzed using percentages and fi'equencies as the main tools for summarizing the data. Besides, qualitative data gathered fi'om interviews and focus group discussion were supplemented using narralion and summa,)' of re:,pondent • words in order to cross check and explain the quantitative data. The fin dings of this study identified female grade repetition as the cOlllbined effect of both social and psychological factors related to school and family enviranment in Jimllla town. More, specifically mOSI re:,pondents in the study perceil)ed, house hold re:,ponsibililies, poverty, lack of school facilities, fear of sexual harassment and abduclion, lack of elllployment prospects and insuffiCient school based supportive service as the main reasonsfar high rate offemale 's class repetition Accordingly, the illlprovelllent of these factors lIlay make a considerable change in female studenls' class repetition al these grade levels. Therefore, it was recoll1l1lended that lIleasures related to teachers training, availabi/ilY of counseling and school supporlive service, Ihe creation of safe school environlllenl as well as financial supports to poor fe ll/ale students alld Ihei" families, COll1l11LlI1ily sensitization in awareness rising can be taken to reduce the prevailing scope a/female slue/en/s' grades repel ilion in government senior pJ'imwy schools 0/ Jimma lown



Social Psychology
