Assessment of Laboratory Inventory Management Practice at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Laboratory and Medical Store, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


Background: Robust l aboratory c ommodities i nventory management pr actices pr ovide c urrent information on quantities of laboratory commodities consumed as well as enables to accurately estimate requirements for future use. A poorly functioning laboratory inventory management can lead to frequent stock outs leading to services interruptions or overstock. Objective: The aim of this study is to assess the status of laboratory inventory management and knowledge, attitude and practices of professionals at Tikur Anbessa specialized hospital (TASH). Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted to assess the practices of laboratory commodities in ventory management a t TASH from M ay t o J une 2016. Both qua ntitative a nd qualitative data collection techniques were used. Results: The ove rall s tock out of l aboratory commodities on t he da y of t he s tudy was 44 (37.0%). These stock o uts included S erology 27 (84.4%), Clinical Chemistry 13 ( 28.9%), Hematology 3 (20%), and Urine analysis 1 ( 33.3%). Moreover, there was no expired laboratory commodity during th e s tudy p eriod in th e me dical s tore. In a ddition, there were no s tock out s (0.0%) for bacteriology and parasitology reagents on the day of the study and during the past one year p eriod. On t he ot her ha nd, during t he p ast one year time ; t he ov erall s tock out w as 55 (46.2%). Of t hese 27 (84.4%) of serology, 24 (53.4%) of chemistry, 3 (20%) of hematology and1 ( 33.3%) of urinalysis laboratory c ommodities were s tock out during t he pa st one year period. S ome of t he reasons m entioned b y respondents f or s tock out i ncluded w eak s election, quantification, pr ocurement a nd i n a dequate s tock c ontrol a nd m anagement, delay i n t he purchasing procedure; weak/unknown consumption data; absence in the supply agency PFSA to avail ne eded l aboratory c ommodities; s hortage of bud get; unpr edicted s ervices d emand or increased p atient f low; and short e xpiry. On t he assessment o f stock m anagement, 81 (97.6%) respondents knew the appropriate storage of at room temperature, cold chain items, and frozen items. Majority 80 (96.39%) of the respondents knew the importance of separation of flammable chemicals, da mage or e xpired pr oducts removed f rom s tock r ecords. A ll ( 100%) of t he respondents ha ve t he d esired pr actices as r egards t o t he ne ed for cleaning and de foresting refrigerators a nd prevent f rom s unlight a nd w ater pe netration a nd m ore ove r 97.6% of t he respondents have the good practices of separately storing of rapidly deteriorating of laboratory commodities. Conclusion: Although there were no expired items during the past year; frequent stock outs were reported f or di fferent l aboratory s ervices a nd s upplies at T ASH. Therefore capacity b uilding training of the staff on selection and quantification, inventory management and storage practices of laboratory commodities may be necessary to sustainably overcome the frequent stock out and interruption in service. Key word: Laboratory inventory management, Tikur Anbessa specialized hospital, laboratory Commodity



Laboratory inventory management, Tikur Anbessa specialized hospital, laboratory Commodity
