Exploring Development induced Displacements and its Associated Risks: A Case of Heineken brewery S.C in Akaka Kality Woreda 09
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Addis Ababa University
Development induced displacement is a risks associated with development intervention which
many countries in the word, including Ethiopia, face. Strong and sustainable economic growth
is what every country aspires to achieve their respective ‘development’ goals. However, there is
no single method that can be applied to achieve the stated development goals. Moreover, there
are always associated risks with development. One of the associated risks of development is
displacement of people which give rise to social, economic, political and environmental risks.
This is mainly because of lack of appropriate policy emplaced that can be used to properly guide
the development process for successful mitigation of the associated risks.
This research therefore explored risks associated with development intervention, specifically,
implementation of a manufacturing project. In order to explore the associated risks qualitative
method of research, in which case study design was followed, was conducted. In depth
interviews, focus group discussions, key –informant in depth interview, observation and
document review methods were used for data collection. The major findings indicate due to lack
of appropriate policy emplacement, the displacement had exposed the displacees to various
problems which caused impoverishment, DID in a case of manufacturing had a different
associated risk with other development projects interventions induced displacements even if they
had also many similar associated risks, there was no proper implementation of the displacement
and relocation program in a case of manufacturing, the displacees attitude towards
displacement was negative, and the displacees had not employed effective coping strategies to
deal with the negative effects of displacement. The study findings are very informative and can
be used as an important resource for policy makers and researchers