Improving the Performance of Short Distance Running in Some Selected First Division of Addis Abeba Athletics Club
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Addis Abeba university
The purpose of this study is to improving the performance of short distance running focusing on
100, 200 and 400meter in some selected first division of Addis Ababa athletics club. Descriptive
survey was the research method employed to conduct the investigation. The data were collected
by means of questionnaires prepared in Amharic distributed to 30 athletes, 9 coaches, 9
administrative personnel and 2 Addis Ababa athletic federation experts by using simple random
sampling techniques, document analysis and finally observation was used and then analyzed by
using percentage and descriptive statement . The data were analyzed using both quantitatively
and qualitatively. Accordingly the research revealed the following results; lack of scientific
method of training and ignorant to the methodology of coaching. In addition to the quality and
quantity of training track, lack of qualified coaches, lack of communication between coach and
athlete, lack of scientific training methods and the training are not more related from short
distance. There is no modern machine to support the gymnasium, lack of nutrition and sufficient
rest. There are no individualized training methods compatible with the age of the club athletes.
The club does not provide the necessary material. In Ethiopia there is no attention for short
distance event. There is lack of coordination between the administrative personnel and coaches.
The coaches are not motivated by their monthly payment and the administrative personnel do not
evaluate the training process. If success solutions with successful answers are to be arrived at,
providing modern training, if the administration is committed, the federation gives attention, the
federation facilitates the external competition, within the club if there is short distance coach, the
concerned bodies fulfill all equipments and give support, in order to create good administration
in sport, the concerned body should discuses with the athletes so as to get improvement
Short Distance Running in Some Selected First Division