The Impact of Urban Productive Safety Net Program on the Livelihood of the Urban Poor in Addis Ababa: The Case of Yeka and Gulele Sub-cities
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The main objective of this study is assessing of the impacts of productive safety net program on
the livelihood of urban poor households in Yeka and Gulele sub cities of Adis Ababa city
administration. The study used both qualitative and quantitative research methods with a cross
sectional design. Key informant interviews, FGDs, observation and household survey
questionnaire were used as instruments of knowledge collection. Moreover, secondary materials
were also used from different sources. Quantitative data were coded, categorized, organized and
analyzed through statistical package for social scientists (SPSS) program version 20. The study
found that the urban productive safety net program had brought some positive changes on the
availability of household possessions. Concerning with the living conditions, the survey shows
that most of the respondents were living in in poor living conditions. The survey also confirmed
that most of the HHH were illiterate that might contribute for their low level of status which in
turn brought negative impact for their lively hood practices. Although it has its own limitation,
one of the success of the program was an increasing consumption of daily meals. On the analyses
of income and expenditure status of the beneficiaries, the average household’s income becomes
double after the program. But due to inflation and fluctuation of other incomes earned from
casual works the monthly income varies from one day to another and from one month to another.
When we see the overall expenditure status of the beneficiary households before and after they
joined in to the program, their average expenditure increased from 879.5 Birr in to 1,422.9 Birr
which is lower than the average income. The livelihood trainings given by the program have
positive effects in guiding of HHH to the appropriate choice of the sector that can fit with their
own skills and potential. But the finding also indicates that few beneficiaries under the
compulsory package and most of the direct beneficiaries have no other means of livelihood other
than the cash transfer from the program that would develop dependency syndrome. To the end
the survey also identified that, beneficiary’s low level of trust on the program and their reluctant
to register in to the program, unwillingness to participate in labor intensive public work activities
and the relative small amount of payment were identified as the possible challenges and
problems that hinders for the proper implementations of the UPSNP in the study area.
Urban Productive Safety, Program on The Livelihood