Assessment of the Magnitude and Determinants of Unmet Need for Family Planning among Currently Married Women in Urban and Periurban Community in Awassa, Southern Ethiopia

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Addis Abeba Universty


This is a community based cross- sectional comparative study conducted in Awassa Town and periurban areas in November and December 2002, in Southern Nation Nationalities and peoples region to assess the magnitude and determinants of unmet need for family planning among currently married women in the reproductive age group. A multistage sampling procedure was carried out to interview 1218 women in both study areas. A pretested structured questionnaire complemented with focus group discussions was the main instrument used for data collection. The study revealed that median age at marriage in the urban area was found to be 18 years, while 16 in the periuban area. Average number of children desired in the urban area was 3.5 and 7.8 in periurban. Ninety eight percent of the urban and 95% of the periurban study population had heard of contraception, and 95% in urban area and 72% percent in periurban knew at least one method of contraception. The contraceptive prevalence in Awassa Town was 68.8%, and in the periurban area 48%. Among the non-users of family planning 50% in urban did not use due to desire to have more children and 26% did not use due to husbands or partners opposition to use family planning. Seventy one percent of women in the urban areas discontinued using family planning due to desire to have more children, and 61% in the periurban area. Unmet need for family planning in Awassa Town was 23.6% of which 13.0% for spacing and 10.5% for limiting of child birth and unmet need in periurban was 40% of which 32.7% for spacing and 7.4% for limiting birth. Seventy percent of women with unmet need have never used family planning methods. Sixty-four percent of women with unmet need for family planning had intention to use family planning in the near future. Knowledge about contraception, family size, place of residence, discussion with husbands and husband’s attitude to wards contraception were found to be determinants of unmet need for contraception. Maximize access to good quality services. Improving the quality of family planning services and making contraceptives easier to obtain and use will help meet the need of many women



Assessment of the Magnitude

