Factors Associated With Sexual Initiation Among High School Female Adolescents in Addis Ababa A Comparative Study of Government and Private High Schools
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Addis Abeba university
This study assesses the factors that are associated with sexual initiation among female high
school adolescents in Addis Ababa by using data collected from 1156 female students in 10
high schools, 5 government and 5 private. The sampling Design employed for this study is
two stage stratified sampling. In the first stage the schools to be included in the survey were
selected and in the second stage the students to be considered from each selected schools
were identified.
The study revealed that 6 percent of the sampled students had initiated sex. A relatively
higher proportion of government school students reported to have initiated sex when
compared with that of their private school counterparts, i.e. 7 and 3 percent, respectively.
According to the study 47 percent of the girls reported that it was against their will that they
had sex for the first time. 18.2 percent said that they were forced into having sex, 19.7
percent said that they were tricked into having sex, and 9.1 percent said that they were
threatened into having sex.
At the bivariate. level the chi-square test revealed the existence of strong association between
the dependent variable and various background variables. The findings of the multivariate
logistic regression revealed that the chance of initiating sex for adolescent students who were
living with their biological parents was found to be almost twice that of those not living with
their biological parents. The finding also showed that female students who are in middle
adolescence (13-16 years) were three times more likely to initiate sex than female
adolescents in late adolescence (above 16 years). With respect to household income,
adolescent students from high income households (with an estimated monthly earning of
above 800 Birr) were two and half times more likely to initiate sex as compared to low income
households (with an estimated monthly earning of below 400 Birr). Adolescent students who
did not have an income of their own were also found to be three fold as likely to initiate sex as
those who had a regular income.
Since quite a significant proportion of the students were experiencing unsafe sex, the study
concludes by suggesting the need for a continuous and strong lEG and intervention programs
by all concerned bodies. It further noted the importance of creating a conducive environment
for delaying the sexual initiation of adolescents until they have the physical, cognitive, and
emotional maturity necessary for sexual relationships
Sexual Initiation Among High School