The Effect of In-store Sales promotion on Sales Performance, Case study on ALLE Bejimla

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Addis Ababa University


The main objective of this study was to assess the effect of in-store sales promotion on Sales performance in the case of ALLE Bejimlain relation to the company’s most commonly practiced promotion tools (Price discount, product combination, point of sales materials and bonus pack). The researcher used a quantitative research approach and an explanatory research design. And primary data were used to examine the effect of in-store sales promotion on Sales performance in ALLE Bejimla. The data has been collected through questionnaire survey approach in ALLE Bejimla sales outlets located in Addis Ababa. The research incorporated all parties involved in the value chain customers, company’s sales team, and management. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 was employed to analyze the collected data. To accomplish the study a conceptual framework was formulated by reviewing previous related articles/literatures, also hypotheses has been developed and tested. The study had response rate of 71.4%. The variety portrayed by the relapse of all the indicator factors on sales performance is 70.1%. This showed there's a generally strong fit between the data & the model. Correlation between the independent variables indicates a degree of less multi-collinearity. Accordingly, the finding indicates that the effect of sales promotion on sales performance is practical and highly affected by the tools used to promote the sales. From the sales promotion tools price discount is observed as the highest effect in improving sales performance of ALLE Bejimla. The results indicated that all the dimensions had a positive correlation and the regression analysis indicated that Price discount & bonus pack are dominant from the four sales promotion tools examined in this study. The finding of this study is important to help sales and marketing managers of ALLE Bejimla Ethiopia, to focus their attention on the appropriate sales promotion tools provided which is more preferred by customers to increase sales revenue, maximize profit and attain ultimate customer satisfaction



Sales Promotion, Sales performance, ALLE Bejimla
