Prospects of Outsourcing Food Service in Higher Learning Institutions (A Case of Addis Ababa University)
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The paper has focused on prospects of outsourcing food service with due
regard to students satisfaction level with current food service; perceived
satisfaction level if food service is outsourced; political and legal issues
related to outsourcing food service; human resource related issues;
willingness of potential subcontractors to accept the offer; correlation of
current satisfaction level with perceived .§satisfaction level if the service is
outsourced and the opinion of students related to cost at which the
subcontractors may offer food service relative to budget limit per student
per month.
According to the finding of the study, the current inflationary situation
becomes a -major obstacle in rendering food service- as expected.
Moreover, even if the university is willing to outsource food service,
potential subcontractors may not accept the offer due to the fact that the
offer price is low (Birr 180 per student per month) relative to the current
inflation rate. Outsourcing food service is politically and legally
acceptable. The university believes that the precondition for outsourcing
is that the subcontractors should accept the existing fooel serve related
employees as their workers Jut to avoid the bad consequences of firing
the employees.
The current satisfaction level of students with food service is low and the
students believe that if food service is outsourced, perceived satisfaction
level with food service is high . The current satisfaction level with food
service IS negatively correlated with perceived satisfaction level if food
service is outsourced.
Food Service in Higher, Learning Institutions