An Assessment of the Effect of Productive Safety Net Program on Asset Protection from Depletion and Creation of a New Asset at Household and Community Level: The Case of Shashogo Woreda, Hadiya Zone, SNNPRS.

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Addis Ababa University


The produclive safety net provides transfers 10 food insecure populations of the Shashogo Woredo and through which the program intended prevents asset depletion at the household level, creates assets at the community level. Evaluating the outcome Ihal such programs thought to bring to the beneficiaries has vilal role in making the programs effective and the communities to benefit more from. To this end, the purposes of this study were to assess the effect of PSNP on the prevention of asset from depletion and creation of asset in household level. The study also assessed the targeting process that has been undertaken to select eligible beneficiaries the study kebeles. The study was designed to collect both qualitative and quantitative data from randomly selected 102 PSNP households. The findings of this research revealed that PSNP has brought significant improvement in households ' food consumplion and in protecting assets of the beneficiaries form depletion. The result indicated that PSNP beneficiOlY households were able to narrow their food gap from six month to three months on average. Moreover, most households who participated in PW and DS reporled that they were able to achieve to maintain their assets, and jill'ther enabled them to create additional asselS. In this regard, Ihe sample households have shown improvement in the number of livestock resource they owned. It was also reported Ihal PSNP benefiCiaries that participated in PW and DS program were used to sharing and renting out their farmlands to olher farmers before the slart oflhe PSNP. But after they started to receive the benefits of PSNP, they were able to plow their land by themselves and harvest agricultural outputs for family consumption. With respecl to the outcome of PSNP in social infrastructure and human reso urce, the sludy found thaI not only the PSNP households, bllt also other households in the study kebeles were benefited a lot. This has been achieved through Iremendous improvement in social infrastructure such as construction of schools, health post; farmers training centers are likely to improve the human resource in the study kebele. Generally; the overall outcomes of the program were to be promising. However, there were challenges that hinder the program to allainjidly its objectives.



Safety Net Program
