Inclusive Education Practice of Two Private Kindergartens in Tabor Sub-city, Hawassa City Administration
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Addis Ababa University
This study was aimed at investigating the implementation of inclusive education in two private
kindergartens in Tabor Sub-city, Hawassa City Administration. Early inclusion and
intervention has the greatest impact on child’s learning and development. Conducting research
on this kind of issue is expected to have a significant role providing insights to improve the
practice. Factors that hinder proper implementation of inclusive education in selected private
kindergartens had been investigated across this research. To find solution for the problem
stated above, all participants who were believed to give rich information were purposively
selected. Qualitative research method specifically phenomenological approach was employed
and all necessary studies conducted before were critically reviewed. There were about twenty
eight key informants involved in the study. They were six children with disabilities, two
kindergarten principals, twelve teachers/assistants, six parents and two officers from the
centers. Document analysis, semi-structured interview, participant observation and focus
group discussion were data gathering tools employed. All raw data were transcribed and
narrated in to meaningful report. Even though both kindergartens claim that they are inclusive,
finding shows that they are not inclusive. Neither physical nor social environment of both
kindergartens was accessible for children with disabilities. Absence of trained manpower, lack
of knowledge with regard to inclusion of children with special needs and negative attitude of
the parents were factors hindering the implementation of inclusive education in the
kindergartens. Findings imply that teachers, principals and parents need awareness raising
training, and private kindergartens have to assign special need education teachers so as to
promote inclusion of children with disabilities.
Key Terms: Inclusive Education, Practice, Private Kindergarten
Inclusive Education, Practice, Private Kindergarten