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Buildings are designed for users to inhabit them. Their existence without user remains to
feel like they are a sculpture. On the other hand, people need to occupy a building for discussion,
entertainment, and business matter. And this leads to the stand, framing a social space with in
buildings that are responsible to human interaction is mandatory. This interaction represents the
hidden communication between occupants and variety spaces of a building. Named shortly in one
word as ”LIMINALITY”. In commercial buildings, this concept owns a space called “Liminal
Space”. It stands for public spaces with in buildings, such as lobby, reception areas, atrium,
vertical and horizontal circulations and so on. Objective of the research is to study the value of
liminality in architecture, while the conception, existence, and sustenance of liminal spaces with
in commercial buildings comes in to practical practice within commercial buildings in Addis
Ababa city. Meaning, as those spaces are for the public, how does they response that? in the
conception stage and beyond this how can they be an engine to the building by attracting more
people, and place them with in their parts for better business exchange? in their existence concern
as well as making the building center of attraction to the neighborhood, which guaranty it`s
sustainability through continuous access of variety occupants. Having this objective buildings
within the city are found as they have a knowledge gap in this study area.
Then to study the gap, different methods are used for data collection. Such as, providing
questionnaires for different occupants (users, Tenants, Owners/Building Administrators) and
professionals or architects) of a building to gather variety of information from different
dimensions. Literature review discussing core points of the study area with the help of liminality
constructive theories and quotations from experienced professionals are presented. And Case
studies (Local and International) that have positive and negative characters of liminality are
aimed to study the defects from building with obstacles and how to solve them from the structures
entertaining liminality in extraordinary way.
Then through analysis different findings are derived. From conception point of view, as
those spaces can be a means of linking to urban and commercial spaces, curving out identity of
the building, Space for the collective, Space welcoming activities, and Positioning occupants with
in liminal spaces having three dimensional physical as well as visual access, are to be considered
with respect to illegal architect`s activities. In the Existence of liminality, presence of variety of
circulation routes and space for dynamic activities to attract people as well as variety of activities
through lively user`s interaction in deep sensory experience that pushes users to rank them in
favorite liminal space list with in the building and from other competitive buildings, are to be
interpreted well. Finally, the concern of timely changes in respect to visual and Physical comfort,
Maintenance Stimulating interaction and Fitting to the intended purpose of the liminal spaces,
are found to be sustaining factors of liminality. Those are constructive parts of liminality with
variety intentions, grouped as these three stages of liminality ..........
A thesis submitted to the school of graduate studies of Addis Ababa University
in partial fulfilment of M.Sc. degree in Advanced Architectural Design at
Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development (EiABC)
Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Liminality,, Liminal space, in-between space, Experience, Sense, Conception of liminality, Existance of liminality, Sustaining liminality