Socio-Economic Roles of Microfinance in Women Empowerment. The Case of Burayu Town.
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study is to explore and describe th e role olmicrofinance enterprise in
women ',I' socio - economic empowerme nt in Burayu town. Mixed method research design was
used for this study. The data was callect ed using questiannaires, interviews, and focus group
discussions. The required data for this study was collected Fom 77 women clients of' Bumyu, thr ee o./Jicials, and five experts of the institution. The analysis olthe
study was conducted using exploratOlY and descriptive stali stics analyses. The results olthe study
indica ted Ihat micro:financing scheme has positive impacts on women's economic empowerment
as measured by improved women clients household incomes and asset possession levels ((fier they
became the clients o.lthe institution. There are also improved changes like participation olwomen
in household decision-making and escalations in their number o.l children attending school
because of the economic changes o.llhe women clients. Therefore, based on the findings o.lthis
study Burayu micro-jinance institution has contributed socia-economic benefits to the Iivelihood5
ol women beneficiaries ol microfinance through the provision of financ ial services to the poor,
especially poor women in th e study area. Since their working area is new and farfi'om the main
road, lack ol market linkages and shortages in development of inlrastructure services are some ol
the main problems for women clients ol Burayu institution.
Key words:, Socio-economic empowerment
Keywords,, Socio-economic empowerment