Rural Urban Linkages and Their Implications on Livelihood Diversification of Households: The Case of Sebet A Town and its Hinterland in West Shewa Zone of Oromiya Regional State

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Addis Ababa University


The study was conducted in Sebeta town and its hil1lerland. The main Objective of the study was to assess the Rural-urban Linkages and their Implications on Livelihood Diversification at Household level in the study area. The research employed cross-sectional and used multi-stage sampling techniques to select target population through stratified probability sampling techniques. The data was collected ji-om 200 sampled households. In order to col/ectthe data both quantitative as weI/ as qualitative methods were employed. Regarding quolilalive method FGDs. in depth-interview, and direct personal observation l~las employed. The household survey is the most importal1l lIIethod used to col/ect quantitative information ji-om salllpled households. The data lI 'OS (Il1a~l'::ed 'hrough holf! qU(IIl /i/o/h'e und quali/lIIi\'e methods which were gUided by the proposition that 'rural and urban areas are interdependent spatial units ' as a ji-amework. Accordingly, linkage can be manifested in the flows of agricultural products. flows of agricultural inputs and industrial goods, flows of people and remittance, flows of information. flows o/finance and urban related nOlI:farlll activities. The findings of the study are concemed: fal'lIIers in the rural kebeles are not market oriented as a result ugricullllmi output did not satiyfj· the dellland of sOllie of urban residel1l.\· in Sebeta. The main products brought to the town are te.o: wheat and pulses. In this regard, hinterland farmers have shown relatively strong marketing interaction with urban dwellers than urban ti-aders. The study also shows consumption linkages in terms of expenditure on urban goods and selected social services. The study shows there is similarity between hinterland farmers and their urban counterparts to recognize and identify pertinent challenges thai hamper RUMLs. The S flf(~l' hlls idelf'iffed weak hackll'"rd and/orw(tl'd production marketing linkage pal't/clllal'~v Ihe laler is almost nonexistent. 71,e rUl'o!nol7:/cml7 sec/Or is prolllising Il'itli IIlOl'e than huif ofsulllpled farmers taking part in the activity as their livelihood inCOllle sOl/rce though it has undes irable effect. On the other hand, 1II0re than two-third of salllpled urban households eam all income ji-Olll a combination of activities. In terms of labor mobility, the majoritv of mi"rants are va un" population. Migration has also played an important role in livelihood in terms of rell/j((unce a lld i/ ~!(}"I11Uf jOil for 1'/1,.0/ hO llsehold~' . though it causes farm labor shortage. Urban dwellers go with their finance and skill to engage in rural f arllling as a result there is a transforll1ation of knowledge and flow of finan ce in the study area. The urban trader survey revealed that the town is used as a collection center of both agricultural products produced by the hinteriandf arlllers and industrial pl'Oductsji-om Addis Ababa. The urban traders in the study site run their business with lilllited capital and the business is lIIanaged by the family with f ew hired labor. However, they play an important role in connecting the hinterlands with the town and capital citv. Finolfl', there are sO/J/ e policy implications that eJJ1anate from the study in order (0 strengthen rural-urban linkages and bring reciprocal relationship in the study area. These are: expansion infrastructure particu/arly feeder l'Oad transport develol'lI1ent. creating access to credits f or poor f armers, encouraging traders to support /amers in provision of creelit and information and prc))'is iOI/ of skill training/or non:farm participants.



Rural Urban Linkages
