Vaccination Incompletion of Children Aged 12 to 59 Months in Ethiopia
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Addis Abeba university
More children in Ethiopia start and do not complete all expanded programme on immunization
(EPI) recommended for routine immunization (RI) vaccines than those who complete their vaccine
schedule. This group of defaulter is bigger than the group that has no vaccines. However, both
groups of children that have no vaccines and those that have partial vaccination are in similar risk
of acquiring vaccine preventable diseases. This study aims to assess demographic, socio economic,
environmental and health service factors affecting childhood vaccination incompletion, and to
determine the extent of incomplete vaccination within and between regions in Ethiopia based on
EDHS 2011 data. In this study a total of 6797 children 12 to 59 months of age were included (mean
age of 36 and standard deviation 13.655 months). Among these children 33.76% were completely
immunized while 66.24% were partially vaccinated. Descriptive data analyses, binary logistic, and
multilevel logistic regression analyses were used. This study identified that region, wealth index, sex
of household head, birth order of a child, being of wise of a mother to have balanced family life,
frequency of a mother listening to radio, and mothers’ getting of prenatal care and assistant from a
health professional were statistically significant at 5% level for a child 12 to 59 month of age being
partially immunized. The multilevel logistic regression analysis revealed that there was
heterogeneity across regions. Between regional variations for vaccination incompletion of children
12 to 59 months of age was 1.0596 with standard error 0.4603. Intraclass correlation between two
individual mothers in the same region was 0.322067. A low ICC indicates relatively small between
regional variations, but in this study it was high. Region Tigray, Afar, Oromia, Somali (at 10%
significance level), Gambela, Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa were statistically significant regions for
the variation of children vaccination defaulting in the country. The chance of a child 12 to 59 month
of age being partially immunized was 67% on average in the country. The average probability of a
child 12 to 59 months of age being under vaccinated was below the average (0.6661) in Tigray
(0.3747), Addis Abeba (0.1773) and DireDawa (0.4596) while it was higher in Afar (0.8997),
Oromia (0.7969), Somali (0.7809), and Gamble (0.8310) regions
Children Aged 12 to 59 Months