Some Diffe r ences Between the De t a ils of the Cons titue nt btructures of Amharic and English Sentences

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Addis Ababa University


ThiG otudy is an atter:lpt to identify the a r eas of differcnce c bctneen the details of the constitutent structure B of th e two ma jor parts (noun phrase s a n d ve r b phraDes ) of Awha ric a nd Engli sh sentences . :J.~ h e ... "hole study has been covered in s ix chapters. At the initi ~ l stege , a revi ew of al l available studies on Amh a ric <ond lC n g lis h sentences in gener a l and on the c ontr ~ G t of the details of the constituent structures of the sen~ e nce G of the two lang u ages in particular has been made. Ii1 cll<'.p t c r t wo a nd thr ee the cons tituen t stru c ture'" of A','haric , end English sent ences h a ve been de scri bed <on d the n cOlltr ~ cted in chapter four. In the last cha pter conc J. usi ons, f indings and recommendat ions h ave been p rov:i. ded . The study on the whole indic a tes that the constitue nt eturctur 8 of Amh a ric a nd En g lish have synt&ct i c char acte rictics in common but it a l so shows th ~ t the r e a r e diff e r ence D when these f ea tures a r e analyse d i n det ~ il s . The study recomm ends that a wide a nd exh&ustive s tu dy Amha ric be c a rried out in order to contrast it adequ ate lYof! .t~ t h at o f ~ng lish.



Some Differences Between the Details
