Vulnerability of Married Women to HIV Infection and Factors Contributing to Vulnerability in Nazareth, Ethiopia
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Addis Abeba Universty
HIV\AIDS was recognized as a disease of inequality and marginalization. Women are
becoming more vulnerable to HIV infection than men. Africa leads the HIV infection at a
forefront and nearly 60% of people living with HIV were women of child bearing age at the
end of the year 2001. AIDS virus, also, appears to be increasingly infecting married women in
developing countries
A total of 1276 married women aged 15 to 49 were selected in Nazareth town, the capital city
of Eastern Shoa zone, using multi stage sampling method. The study aimed at assessing
vulnerability of married women to HIV infections and their risk-awareness level measured by
reported history of STDs or high-risk sexual behaviors by married couples and worry to have
been infected by HIV respectively, using a structured questionnaire. The study also attempted
to assess socio-economic factors contributing to vulnerability to HIV
Results showed significant proportion of married women (26.8%) to have been vulnerable to
HIV infection as measured by either of the reported prevalence of STIs in married women,
which was 16.8% or prevalence of extra marital sexual relationship in either of the couples
which was 2.3% and 9.3% in married women and married men respectively. Also, of the 26.8%
of married women who were vulnerable to HIV infection, more than two third (66.1%) did not
know they were at risk.
Women who depend economically on their husband and also whose marriage decision to have
been motivated for the reason of financial security are found to be more vulnerable to HIV
infection. Significant proportion of such women was also found to be not aware of their being
at risk.
In conclusion, significant proportion of married women were vulnerable to HIV infection and,
the majority of married women who were vulnerable did not know they were at risk of
acquiring HIV. Vulnerability is more in women who were economically dependent on their
Hence, there is a need in to empower women economically by creating job opportunity and
also need of awareness creation on safe sex practices in married life and need on a skill of
sexual negotiation especially by targeting married women and engaging married men as well.
Vulnerability of Married Women to HIV Infection