The Contributions of the Third Pastoral Community Development Project (Pcdp-Iii) In Enhancing Primary Education in Afar Region

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Addis Ababa University


This study was aimed at examining the contribution of the third Pastoral Community Development Project (PCDP-III) in enhancing primary education for pastoralist children of Afar region. It was assessed against targets set in the fifth Education Sector Development Program and PDO level result indicators. The study therefore, examined the contribution of the project to meet some targets of education. Mixed research method (QUAN + qual) — more quantitative data than qualitative data were used in the study. For the fact that both qualitative and quantitative data were collected at the same time the approach was concurrent. The qualitative data has a supportive or a secondary role (embedded) to the quantitative data in the study. 140 teachers, 19 principals, 10 CR supervisors, 10 WEOs and REB experts were selected through stages sampling, purposive and available sampling techniques respectively. Of the five zones of the region three were selected through simple random sampling. There were 104 weredas where PCDP III was functional in the three zones. Through simple random sampling techniques, eight weredas were selected as the sample of the study. 26 schools were selected consulting officials of the WEOs. Experts at WEOs and REB were chosen through purposive sampling technique; while principals and supervisors were selected using available sampling technique. Questionnaires, interviews, FGD and observation checklists were used to collect primary data. On top of that documents at MoE, REB, schools and head office of PCDP III were made in use. Mean score and one way ANOVA test of significant were used as descriptive and inferential statistical analysis respectively. ANOVA was put in place to find out if there are significant statistical differences across the three zones of respondents. The study disclosed that the project benefited the community by minimizing school home distance and that enabled school age children to join primary education in time. The project was successful in empowering the community through asserting demand driven needs, enhancing project ownership among the community through cash and kind contribution. On a negative note, some vital schools inputs which should have been provided by the project were not adequately supplied. Partnership of the various echelons of project coordinating staff with their counterpart from education sector was found to be rather loose. Inadequate monitoring of schools while under construction, brought about tendency to used low quality raw materials by contractors, manifested by ruined-schools at their early year, coupled with delayed handover. The trend to use child labour was also a major factor affecting schooling in pastoralist community. Inadequate availability of drinking water, shortage of teachers or facilitators as a result of high turnover affected continuity of learning. None of school community was exposed to certain kind of awareness creation schemes to capacitate their knowledge and skills. As recommendations the project should be involved more in the awareness creation of the community on the importance of modern education for the fact that only mere construction of schools would not guarantee enrolment and participation in education. Joint monitoring of the contractors by the government officials, project coordinating staff and the beneficiary community is crucial if projects are to be completed as per the schedule and maintain quality. Collaboration of each level project’s structures with their education sector counterpart is needed to achieve common goals. The government, the project and the beneficiary community come together to ease the effects economic, social and school related factors for pastoral children’s learning.



