Socio- Economic Effects of Migration: The Case of Two Kebeles in Soro Woreda of Hadiya Zone in SNNPR State of Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


The ohjective o/this stud)lwas to understand the economic and social effects 0/ out-migration in the case 0/ Soro !Voreda, Hadiya Zone, SNNPf( (South Nation Nationalities and Peoples Regional) state. lhe .1!lIdy./iJclI.led on the economic and social impact of ollt-migration to RSA and lvllX's FOI1l the Woreda selected kebeles. lhe out flow of migration lVas linked with the emeJ'gillg socio-economic costs in the study area. 171e study substantiated evidence on the economic activities 0/ migrant hOllseholds and ret1lmee migrants and tracked the impacts of remittance illcomes on the local economic enterprising. 'lhe dynamics in remittance money is also linked to the social re.lpect and the costs of travel to the destination. Diverse migration theories \Vel'e considere d to mformPrimm)! amI secondCII)! data were collected ./i"om OIganizations, migrant and non-migrant households by Iising mixed research method. The organized evidence lVas analyzed and inte/preted. the reslllt of the analysis has shown that out-migration has both positive and negative impacts Oil the migrant and those memhers behind. The positive impacts of outmigratioll are improvement ill household consllmption, investment, employment generation, asset fiH'/I1alioll, Irall.l/i)f'fllationji'om /'IIml to urban IIlay of life . 'Ihe negative impacts olmigration are Ihe prodllctil'e lohm shortage, family sepamtion, work load on females, marriage unfaithfi.dness alld depelldellcy.lYlldrol1le illlhe same commlll1ily including stretched cost o.ftrave!.Ihe study wllcludes wilh the economic alld social effects o.f out-migration in the study area. ImlH'ovemelll in COIISIIIII!'ti,," level 0/ migrant households, Asset formation, enterprising in the local ecollomy allJ to " r"ao lile is positive. lhe separation ~f households, workload on females and marriage ,,"/ailhlllioess are negative coosequences. 'Ihe study recommends that there are polin: concel'lls ill challllelillg Ihese reso"rces and enterprising at one hand and looking to social proh/ems Oil the other hand Keywords: IC'lllelprisillg, lv/iddle hlst Co"nlries, Ollt-migration Remittances, Soro Woreda, SOlllh A/rica this analysis.



Enteprisillg, Middle East Countris’, Ollt-migration Remittances, Soro Woreda SOlllh A/rica
