Gender Smart Development Intervention in Pastoral Areas of Ethiopia:the Case of Pastoral Community Development Project Ii (PCDP Ii) in Shinile and Kebribeyah Woreda, Somali National Regional State of Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Emerging from debates from gender in development process, gender Smart Development
considers equal participation of women at all levels of development projects through equal
access to resources, opportunities and decision-making roles. Scholarly evidences from the
trajectory of emerging debates have shown that development projects fail to achieve their
objective due to lack of gender inclusiveness. Gender smart intervention is an approach that
considers gender as a core in the processes of program design, start-up, implementation,
monitoring, evaluation and learning. Such intervention therefore bridges the gender gap
leading to gender smart development.
The objective of the study is to assess whether the Pastoral Community Development Project II
(PCDP II employed gender smart intervention. The evidence on the outcomes was collected
from five beneficiary kebeles from the two woredas where the project is implemented. Both
primary and secondary data were collected on selected activities and outcomes of the project.
The primary data were collected using in-depth interviews administered for 45
respondents. The secondary data were collected from project documents (reports, plans and
Findings from this study showed that both men and women are involved in the project and
benefit from the basic services delivered by PCDP II. In specific evidence, female members of
the 5 kebele have access to finance (2.9 %) and are engaged in income generating activities
(2.7 %). Female members were empowered through tailored trainings on their roles and
responsibilities in various committees. However, females who were participating are
challenged low level of literacy and shortage of time (females also shoulder domestic
responsibilities of household provision).
In conclusion, the project development approach was gender smart in making males and
females’ part of the overall activities and benefit from the project outcomes. Females are at the
center of the project through access to resources, opportunities and decision-making. The study
concluded with the recommendation that the ongoing gender smart interventions should be
encouraged and shared with relevant stakeholders to replicate it beyond pastoral regions.
However, facilitation of consultations must focus on capacity building for female participation
and the gender smartness of the project intervention should be monitored and evaluated on the
basis of agreed-indicators to achieve the goal of redressing gender gaps
Kebribeyah woreda, Ethiopia