Assessment of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy and its Implementation: the Case of Ministry of Science and Technology of Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Assessment of the formulation and implementation of science, technology and innovation
policy help to identify the effectiveness of STI policy and its Implementation . The scope of
the research study was restricted to see only the policy formulation and implementation
process in the MoST and the institutions or organizations that are accountable to MoST .To
carry out the assessment study , extensive literature review was carried out which formed the
background knowledge to the study as well as provided the necessary input to the discussion
of the findings from the study . The instrument for data collection was an interview and a
structured questionnaire that was designed on a 5-p0int Likert scale to be able to collect
quantitative data. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 20. The reliability was
determined 0.774 with Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Four dimensions, namely STI policy
formulation process, STI policy content, STI policy monitoring and evaluation and overall
effectiveness of STI policy formulation and implementation have been established. The
finding of the study indicated that the science technology and innovation policy making
process/formulation/ was effective where as its implementation was found ineffective. The
study recommended that the development of STI Policy implementation strategy , good
coordination mechanisms and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms should be
Technology of ethiopia