Widow Inheritance and Women’s Rights: The Case of the Boro-Shinasha in Bullen Woreda, Benishangule Gumuz Regional State
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Addis Ababa Universty
This study was conducted to understand the effects of widow inheritance marriage on widows
among Boro-Shinasha in Benishangul-Gumuz regional state, Metekel zone, Bullen Woreda. To
address this general objective of the study, the researcher focused on understanding rationales of
widow inheritance, process of the widowhood inheritance rites, the challenges faced by widows
in the practice, the multifaceted violations of rights widows face and the interventions by
different stakeholders. As a way of addressing the rights violations of women this study looked
at four major aspects of right namely; right to dignity and equality, right to marriage and form a
family, right to access and ownership of the property, right to health and life. The study utilized
ethnographic research approach with qualitative research method. The instruments of data
collection used in the study were key informant interview, and focus group discussion. The
sampling technique employed for the study was non-probability sampling, purposive sampling
technique for the selection of participants of the study. Thus, findings of the study show that
early marriage and marriage within clan is strictly prohibited in the community. Another finding
of the study was the social, economical and psychological challenges are faces widows in Boro-
Shinasha socio-cultural practice of ‘Naata’ marriage, widow inheritance to their brother in-laws.
Again, maladministration and resistance from the elder council is also the basic factors for the
continuation of the practice in the community. These challenges are results the violations of
widows’ rights. Therefore, study recommended that all the stakeholders could be responsible to
solve the problems of widows and the harmful customary practices through effective and
efficient awareness creation education among the community on the practices
Widow Inheritance and Women’s Rights