Analysis of the cause, classification and associated injuries of pelvic fracture in patients pressing to Tikur Anbessa specialized hospital emergency department, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia.
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Addis Abeba University
Back ground;
The trauma, a world public health problem, has been a major cause of morbidity and
mortality, as it affects more than 50 million people today, an aggravated circumstance in
urban centers, mainly due to the growing number of vehicles and the aggressiveness in
traffic Which cause accidents with high energy and leading to an increase in the number
of deaths and injuries.
Among the orthopedic traumas, pelvic injuries are considered the third cause of death due
to auto accidents; represent 20% to 25% of fractures in poly traumatized patients.
However the pattern of pelvic fracture is not known in our setting.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the cause, classification and associated injuries
in pelvic fracture in Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia during
the time of september1, 2016 – September 1, 2017.
A Retrospectivedescriptive study was conducted on 60 patients who were admitted to
adult emergency medicine department of Tikur Anbessa specialized hospital, Addis
Ababa university, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with a diagnosis of pelvic fracture during the
study period. The data were collected using structured pretested data collection tools and
analyzed using SPSS for windows version 21.0.
From total of sixty patients enrolled in study thirty five patients were males (58.33%) and
twenty five patients were females (41.67%).Age ranges from 13-75 years with a mean of
31.3 years (SD ± 14.8) and mode and median of 22 and 25.5years respectively. There
were 2 deaths in this study 2/60(3.3%) both of them were in the ICU.
In the data presented in this study 39/60 (65%) of hospitalized pelvic fractures were
caused by transport accidents, and the mean length of stay is 11.3,7 and 13 days in Tile
A, Tile B and Tile C respectively.
Pelvic fracture,