Psychological Well-being among Youth Eritrean Refugees in Ethiopia: The Case of Hitsats Camp in Tigray National Regional State
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The main objective of this study was to assess the PWB of youth Eritrean refugees’ at Hitsats
Eritrean refugee camp in Tigray National Regional State-Ethiopia. The study used descriptive
research design. Quantitative research approach was followed to develop tools and analyze the
data obtained from the study participants. Data were collected from 227 (118 male and 109
female) youth (age range 18-29) refugees and were selected through stratified random sampling
technique. A standardized psychological wellbeing scale developed by Carl Ryff was used to
gather the data from participants. Percentage, frequency, independent t-test and one-way
ANOVA were employed to analyze the data. Using mean split technique on the psychological
wellbeing scores male youth refugees were found to have a higher level of PWB. The result from
independent t-test between new and old youth refugee arrivals showed that there is no significant
difference in PWB between the two groups. The independent sample t-test result also revealed
that in terms of gender, male youth refugees have higher score in PWB measures than female
youth refugees. Results from one-way ANOVA also showed that there is a significant difference
in PWB among age groups of youth refugees. The result from post hoc comparison shows a
significant mean difference only between age groups 18-21 versus 26-29. According to the
finding youth refugees in the age group 26-29 had greater score in PWB than those in the age
group 18-21. Similar to the age groups, the one-way ANOVA revealed that statistical significant
difference in educational levels of the youth refugees. The post hoc comparison of education
levels indicated that ≥ diploma had greater score in PWB than illiterates. Following to diploma
and above, youth at Secondary school level (9 th -12 th ) had good PWB than illiterates. Based on
the present findings the researcher has concluded that there was no difference in PWB between
the new and old arrival youth refugees. Whereas female youth refugees scored lower PWB score
than male youth refugees, in terms of age groups the higher age youth had good PWB than the
lower age youth refugees. Similarly, educated youth refugees had higher psychologicalwellbeing score than illiterate youth refugees. So, according to this finding the researcher infers
that female youth refugee, lower age and education level group youth refugees faced lower PW.
Psychological well-being, Youth, Refugee