Evaluating The Performance Of Customs Clearing Agents In Ethiopia: The Case Of Air Cargo Customs Clearing Agents
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W/Yohnnes, Seyoum
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Addis Ababa University
This research evaluated the performance of customs clearing agents in Ethiopia by focusing air cargo customs clearing agents to determine their impact on the overall customs clearing processes. The major problem observed in customs clearing process is delay. Explanatory and quantitative methods of research were used. Primary data were collected by questionnaires. Secondary data from ERCA data base also used to determine the transaction performed by the clearing agents and Import/Export status. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis. The findings of the study suggested that customs clearing agents had significant impact on the customs clearing process. As the SPSS output shows Customs clearing operation, customer service, Information accuracy and relationship with stakeholders had positive significant impact on the performance of the customs clearing agents. Information accuracy had more impact than the others variables. From the survey conducted and filled by customers, it was found also that the delay on customs clearing process is confirmed. The study concluded the improvement on the above four will improve the customs clearing process and this will lead to minimize the delay. The research recommended the customs clearing process should supported by ICT and stakeholders specially ERCA should support and give due attention for customs clearing agents
Customs clearing agents, Customs clearing process, Performance