The political and religious significance of Odaa Tree and Odaa Nabe among Tulama Oromo in Akakki Wereda, Oromia special zone surrounding Finfine

dc.contributor.advisorEmana, Teshome(PhD)
dc.contributor.authorDebebe, Solomon
dc.description.abstractThe ultimate aim of this paper is to investigate the socio-political and religious values of Odaa tree among the Oromo and to make a particular investigation on Odaa Nabe’s socio-political and religious value among the Tulama Oromo in Akaki Wereda. Under different circumstances, the symbolic picture of Odaa is very importantly used in different contexts. The study is undertaken by descriptively analyzing the very complex socio-political and religious Values of Odaa Nabe with a special focuss on the religious and political practices performed by the Tulama Oromo in Akaki Wereda of the Oromoia Regional State. The study identified that there are gaps in level of understanding of the actual representation of Odaa tree among the members of the society regardless of the local interpretation.A qualitative methodological approach is employed in eliciting information from different but complementary sources on the subject in question. In eliciting the necessary data, the study basically relied on primary sources comprising of officials and functionaries of the Wereda and local administrations, community elders youths women, and participants in focus group discussions. With regard to collecting the primary data, interview: semi-structured interview, observation, focus group discussion and case study was conducted and the information was gathered depending on the objective of this study. The secondary Data was reinforced by conducting detailed review and analysis of literatures that also helped in formulating the theoretical frame work. According to the findings and analyses of this study, Odaa is a symbolically very important Tree of all kinds of trees species among this particular society in terms of its social, politica and religious fuctions. The symbolic and mythical use of Odaa Nabe was historically once reached at its highest level with the development of use the practicality of Gada system among the Tulama Oromo in Akaki Wereda but its current condition shows that it is limited to function as ceremonial and memorial place. The Aba Gada has already shifted its center from Odaa Nabe to the town of Dukem due to different impacts such as political, economic, and other social, factors. The religious practices are being undertaken more effectively than the political practices. However, the study revealed that there is a decrease in the number of participants from time to time. Thus, based on the those findings and analyses, the study suggests that further scholarly descriptions need to be made to increase the various explanations and interpretive meanings of Odaa tree as the investigation on Odaa Nabe provides with certain amount of contribution to show the local points of views being charged with viewing its current condition Key words: Tulama Oromo, Odaa, Gada, Odaa Nabeen_US
dc.publisherAddis Ababa Universityen_US
dc.subjectTulama Oromoen_US
dc.subjectOdaa Gadaen_US
dc.subjectOdaa Nabeen_US
dc.titleThe political and religious significance of Odaa Tree and Odaa Nabe among Tulama Oromo in Akakki Wereda, Oromia special zone surrounding Finfineen_US


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