The Relationship Between Leadership Practice and Student Achievements of Three Governmental Secondary Schools at Akaki Kality Sub-City of Addis Ababa
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This study assessed the relationship between leadership practices and Students' achievements
in governmental secondary schools. It explores the practices of principals to enhance the
students’ achievement in three governmental secondary schools at Akaki Kality sub-city in
Addis Ababa. It identifies the mechanisms and activities of the school principals to improve
students’ achievement. The researcher applied both quantitative and qualitative methods
through primary and secondary sources. Questionnaire and observation were central sources
of this study. Akaki kality sub city is taken for this study purpose and the data are collected
from three governmental secondary schools in the sub-city. Students, Principals and Viceprincipals
from the selected schools were the participants of the study. The samples were
selected by using purposive sampling method. The data were collected by using a
questionnaire for principals and students in parallel with the researcher’s observations. Data
obtained through questionnaire were analyzed and summarized using frequency and
percentage. Statistical measures were performed on quantitative data assembled from the
respondents; frequency count and Percentage, were conducted. The study shows that
principals were effective in establishing knowledge of curricular issues in various subject
areas. Checking the teachers’ lesson notes and offering feedbacks where necessary,
supporting teachers and giving feedback on effectively use of instructional time in their
classes, making post conference after classroom visit to discuss the weak and strong points
observed during teaching learning for improving students’ achievement in their school are
some of the findings of the mechanisms that principals use to support students learning.
However, less focus is given on evaluating the instructional methods regularly and making
impartial contributions and sharing information about classroom activities with teachers for
the improvement of students’ achievement in their school. Parents were effective in many
aspects; however, the school leaders were poor in involving parents and stakeholders in the
attainment of substantial financial support. The finding indicates leadership practice is
effective through a combination of all leadership styles. Increasing the extent of involvement
of parents and other stakeholders in supporting the school by finance and other issues and
redesigning the evaluation format is recommended for principals and make regular
discussion meeting with students on how the teaching –learning is going on and what
students’ need to support their learning and the employment of punishment hinders the
practice of principals on their daily activities in their school. Though, the school had a good
system of school leadership, there should be a lot to be done to meet the expected leadership
the relationship between leadership practices and Students' achievements in governmental secondary schools.