Household coping strategies against crop production failure in Kuyu woreda, North Shoa, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa Univerisity
This is the thesis looked into household coping strategies against crop production failure in the kuyu
woreda, North Shoa, Oromia regional state. Hence the main objective of the study was to assess
household coping strategies against crop production failure in the study area. Relevant data were
collected through questionnaires, key informants, personal observation and reviews of document. The
generated data were analyzed through both qualitative and quantitative method and it was found that
crops were failed due to some biophysical and socio-economic factors and household farmers were
developed different coping strategies against crop production failure in Kuyu woreda. Thus, extreme
temperature, extreme rainfall, drought, crop pests, flood storm, hail storm, weeds, frost,
unavailability of farming labor, unavailability of draft animals and farming inputs were major
constraints to crop production in the study area. Kruskal Wallis statistical calculation results
indicate that all aforementioned impediments to crop production not signiflcantly different among
dega, woinadega and kola agro-climatic setup of Kuyu woreda in causing crop production failure
except flooding. To overcome crop failure stress and its causes, different coping strategies household
used were organized to problem focused household coping strategies and emotional focused
household coping strategies in this study. Thus, problem focused household coping strategies are
altering/reducing the identifled biophysical and socio-economic factors that caused crop production
failure by 'Sijalle' , 'Dabo', 'Wanfala', 'Higni', 'Kitira', 'Makanajo' ,'Graragalchu',
'Gulgalu ', 'Sirribsisu', 'Kokobi' and 'Kira ' at farm le vel. While emotional/Dcused household coping
strategies are smoothing the stress of crop production failure at household level through liquidity,
hedging, cellingfire wood, engaging in wag labor, reducing amount offood, eating crop reservedfor
seed, requesting food aid, moving to other area for temporOlY employment, sending household
member to live everywhere, reducing amount of food for adult and adding for child and borrowing
money. Finally, it was recommended that the detail of how, why, when biophysical and socioeconomic
fi,ctors thai affect crop production in the kuyu woreda should be added and get attention in
research and development to enhance crop produclion and productivity in kuyu woreda
Crop production failure, Agro-climatic zone, Problem focused coping strategies, and Emotional focused coping strategies.