Assessment of Knowledge and Attitude of Cervical Cancer and Screening among Primary Health Care Workers of West Wollega Zone, Ethiopia,2016.
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Addis Abeba Universty
Back ground: Cancer of the uterine cervix is the most common cancers among women
worldwide. The global burden of cervical cancer is disproportionately high among the
developing countries. Sub-Sahara Africa is the region with the highest incidence of cervical
cancer. In Ethiopia many women seek treatment only at a very late stage when their cancer has
significantly advanced and facing a higher probability of mortality, though it is a preventable and
curable disease if identified at an early stage. Knowledge of cervical cancer helps to have a clear
understanding of the need for early detection.
Objectives:The aim of this study is to assess knowledge and attitude of cervical cancer and
screening among primary health care workers of west Wollega, Ethiopia, 2016.
Methods: An institutional based cross-sectional study was conducted from February -June 2016
among 417 west wollega primary health service providers. Stratified sampling technique was
utilized to stratify study source into Hospitals and health center. Bivaraite and multivariate
analysis were used.
Results: Over all knowledge of cervical cancer was 36% and knowledge of cervical cancer
screening were 15% and 44.6%of participants had positive attitude towards cervical cancer.
Profession of the respondents was found to be statistically significant towards knowledge of
cervical cancer. Majority of the respondent were not heard about cervical cancer screening. Level
of knowledge of cervical carcinoma was associated with attitude on screening, those with good
knowledge were more positive
Conclusion and recommendation: The study revealed that low level of knowledge on
cervical cancer and screening. And also participants had negative attitude. There is aneed to
design and implement awareness creation program on cervical cancer and screening
Assessment of Knowledge and Attitude of Cervical Cancer