Local Perception on Climate Variability and Adaptation Strategies: The Case of Javie Tenan Woreda, Westgojjam Zone
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Addis Ababa University
The objective of the study was to assess farmer’s perceptions on climate variability
of rural farming household with their response towards and adaptation mechanisms
in Javie Tenan woredas. Primary data for the study were collected through household
questionnaire surveys, focus group discussions, key informants interviews and
personal observations while secondary data were collected from relevant local
authority reports and records. The findings of the research showed that the district is
experiencing increasing land degradation, spatially soil erosion, nutrient depilation
and deforestation are perceived as impacts of climate variability. Binary regression
model results reveal that farmers’ household age, sex, marital status, distance of farm
land from homestead and their perception on climate variability on their own
farmland have significant positive impact on farmers’ use of land management
practice as an adaptation mechanism. Land tenure security and contact with
development agents has significant negative influence on livelihood adaptation
mechanisms. Other remaining factors such as farmers’ literacy, household size, main
occupation, income level, farm size, and access to credit service are found not to have
significant influence on livelihood adaptation mechanisms. In addition, the results of
qualitative data also showed that low level of income, abject poverty, low level of
agricultural production, and depilation of assets, lack of alternative livelihood
opportunity; unsustainable rural land use practice and competition aver scanty
resources are considered as important factors to be treated. The study concludes that
in making interventions in land management as the livelihood adaptation mechanism,
there should be active participation of local stakeholders, primarily the farmers. This
helps to integrate indigenous livelihood adaptation mechanisms and the new
techniques and enhance
Geography and Environmental Studies