An Assessment of The Role of Project Management Technical and Behavioral Competency in The Success Of Construction Projects in Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
The objective of this research is to study the role of project management technical and behavioral
competencies on project performance in the Ethiopian construction industry. The unique nature
of the construction industry, coupled with challenges of global competitiveness, and changing
regulatory requirements have created excessive demand for highly knowledgeable and competent
project management. Project management is a philosophy and technique that allows users the
maximum utilization of their potential with limited sources, together with the increase of
profitability. Competency is capacities and attributes that project manager should possess to
realize project aims and objectives. Effective project performance can be achieved with relating
competency of an individual, requirement of the job and project environment. This study used a
quantitative survey and it was design to examine the role of project management technical and
behavioral competencies in project performance. This study employed stratified random
sampling technique to distribute survey questionnaire to the contractors. The data and
information collected through questionnaire survey was interpreted quantitatively. Findings
indicate the role of project management technical and behavioral competencies is undeniable in
the success of a project. Besides, technical competencies have a substantial effect on project
performance. Projects meet their technical performance goals, efficiency of the project
management effort, and projects meet their operational performance goals are perceived as
successful projects. There is a moderate correlation between project management technical
competencies and project success and strong relationship between project management
behavioral competencies and project success. Though, lack of particular PM competencies has a
significant impact on the projects performance. Since, both technological factor and ethical
factors are the biggest challenge in Ethiopian construction industry, therefore it was
recommended that the sector must have ways to overcome these challenges and all concerned
stakeholders work intensively on remedial measures. Moreover, focus is needed to be given to
professionals in the industry and different methods to develop competencies in addition to
experience on site.
Construction, Competency, Project Management Competencies, Project performance