Assessment of the Effect of Concrete Class Variation on Dynamic response of Framed Structures
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Addis Ababa University
Most of the time attention is not given by engineers when higher quality of concrete than the
design requirements is used. And this indeed will increase the stiffness. In order to study the
behavior and response to such increased stiffness, moment resisting planar structure has been
selected for the research. Parametric study was conducted by varying the number of bays, the
number of storey and percentage of the total storey with which higher quality concrete is made.
The higher class concrete was obtained from actual test data selected out of 1,148 results out of
which 575 of them are the 28th day strength. The mean plus one standard deviation value is
selected for the 28th day test result.
Time history analysis using Newmark’s average acceleration method is used to obtain the
response at different times. The result shows that higher response was observed in all the
parametric cases as compared to what is obtained from uniform concrete class analysis.