Demographic Dynamics and Sustainable Rural Livelihoods in Jimma Arjo District, East Wollega Oromia, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Ethiopia is one of the countries with rapid population growth, dense settlement in
the highland areas, inexorable environmental degradation, and insidious poverty.
The intensity of the problem is high in rural areas where the majority of the
population lives and their livelihood directly or indirectly depend on the natural
resource. The current situation of the country shows that the rapidly growing rural
population is exerting pressure on the environment to secure its livelihood. The
short-term decision of rural households on the environment to secure their means of
living affects the sustainability of their livelihood in the long run. In the light of this
problem, this study was conducted with an objective of analyzing the role of
demographic dynamics and changes in livelihood assets in sustaining livelihood.
Primary data obtained fiĀ·om 390 households randomly selected from three kebele
administrations of Jimma Arjo District were used for the study. Both descriptive
statistics and econometric model were used to analyze the data. The results of
descriptive statistics showed significant mean difference in dependency ratio, labor
force size, and livestock ownership. It was, however, insignificant for family size
and land size. Households headed by females and younger persons were found to
have limited access to livelihood assets. The households had limited access to credit
services and saving. Most households live at reasonably shorter distance from main
road. Given the livelihood assets they have, farming is the main source of livelihood
and the contribution of diversification of activities to rural livelihood was limited.
Non-farm income contributed only 8.8 % to their income. The multivariate analysis
showed decreasing probability of livelihood sustainability with increasing family
size and dependency ratio. The livelihood of households headed by females,
illiterates, persons of low decision making power in local organizations, and
households with limited access to credit service was found to be less sustainable
than their counterparts. At 5 % significance level, age group of household head,
land size, labor force size, health status of households, saving, and participation in
eBOs were found to be insignificantly related to sustainable livelihood. Based on
the findings, the following points of recommendations are stated: increasing
awareness of people about the disadvantages of large family size, improving
households' access to livelihood assets, affirmative action for disadvantaged
groups, and strengthening of rural local institutions.
Key Words: Demographic Dynamics, Livelihood Assets, Sustainable
Demographic Dynamics;, Livelihood Assets;, Sustainable Livelihoods