Determinants of Maternal Health Care Utilization Holeta Town, West Shewa Zone of Oromia Region, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
1n developing countries a large number of women are dying due to factors related to
pregnancy and child birth. Implementing and assuring utilization of maternal health care
services is potentially one of the most effective health interventions for preventing maternal
morbidity and mortality. However, in Ethiopia the utilization of antenatal and delivery care is
A cross-sectional study were conductedfi"om January 20 to Februmy 20,2012 in Holeta town,
West Shewa Zone of Oromia Region to assess the determinants of maternal health care
utilization among women of child bearing age and have given birth in the past three years
prior to the survey.
Structured questionnaire and focus group discussions were used for data collection. Data were
collected fi"om randomly selected four Kebeles and a total of 419 respondents were included in
the study. The data were entered, cleaned, edited, and analyzed using SPSS window version
17. Descriptive, bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted and
odds ratios were calculated using two logistic regression models (ANC and DC) to control
cO'1founders. Statistical tests were done at a level of significance of p < 0.05.
The study revealed that about 87.1 % of the women had at least one antenatal visit during their
last pregnancy. More than half of the ANC attendants made their first visit during their second
and third trimester of pregnancy. Among ANC users 34% had less than four ANC contacls.
There was a significant association (P<0.05) between ANC attendance and some
demographic, socio-economic and health related factors (age at last birth, literacy status of
women, average monthly family income, media exposure, attitude towards pregnancy,
knowledge on danger signs of pregnancy and presence of husband approval on ANC). The
study also revealed that about 61.6% of the women had given birth in the health institutions.
Out of all 161 (38.4%) home deliveries only seven (4%) of the births were assisted by health
worker but (94%) were assisted by TBAs, close relatives! Friends, Neighbors and TTBA.
Parity, literacy status of women, average monthly family income, media exposure, decision
where to give birth, perception of distance to HI and ANC attendance were found to be
significantly associated (P<0.05) with DC attendance.
The utilization of ANC and DC service is inadequate in the town. The utilization of ANC and
DC were influenced by demographic, socio-economic and health related factors. Improving
the status of women by expanding educational opportunities, strengthening promotion of
antenatal and delivelY care by enhancing the community awareness about the importance of
ANC with early visit and DC are recommended to bring better ANC and DC services
utilization in the town.
Maternal Health Care Utilization Holeta Town