The Effect Of Sales Promotion Tools On Customer Buying Behavior (The Case Of Ethiopian Airlines Online Customers)
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Addis Ababa University
It is essential for airline companies to know the effects of sales promotion tools on customers
buying behavior in order to implement it on proper and targeted way. The main objective of this
study is to investigate the effect of sales promotion tools on customer’s buying behavior by
taking the case of Ethiopian airlines on-line customers. Data were collected from Ethiopian
airlines on-line customers through survey questionnaires via e-mail. A sample total of 545
respondents were drawn based on systematic random sampling. From the 418 returned
questionnaires 385 usable and complete questionnaires were coded to SPSS version 20.0 and
analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics to examine and test the hypothesis. Person
correlation and multiple regression analysis were used to establish the relationship between the
independent and dependent variables of the research. The main findings of the study were; sales
promotion tools namely price discount, coupons discount and buy one get one free have a
significant impact on customer’s buying behavior at level of (α ≤ 0.05). The result also indicated
that price discount (β=0.851 P=.000) was the most important factor influencing customer
buying behavior followed by buy one get one free (β=.0.101 P=.000) and coupons discount
(β=0.082 P=.000). The results of this study would help Airline E-commerce marketers to select
the types of promotion that greatly influence the buying behavior of the respondents. Hence, this
could help them in their planning to become more competitive.
Airline, Online sales, website sales