The Role of Microfinance Institution in Women’s Household Decision Making in AdamaWoreda: The Case of Oromiya Credit and Saving Share Company Microfinance Institution (OCSSCO)

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Addis Ababa University


It is widely accepted that women are central to household well-being and national economic development. However, the role of women is impeded because they generally hold a low status in many developing countries. Owing to historical and cultural disadvantages, women are also more vulnerable to poverty. In addition to being a human rights issue, the prevailing condition of women calls for taking measures to empower them. The decision making power of women is also the basis for transforming lives at the household level and in the wider society. It is therefore argued that microfinance services are considered as an effective instrument for empowerment of women in household decision making. This study has the objective of assessing the impact of microfinance in women‟s household decision making in the study area. The research was conducted at the Oromia Credit and Saving Share Company microfinance institution. The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative research methods to obtain a reliable data. Data were derived from a survey, in-depth interview and focus group discussion. In addition, the researcher has employed non participant observation. The study establishes that improved access to microfinance has been able to empower women economically. Although the results vary, the study indicated that the income and saving levels of the majority of the clients have increased after the delivery of microfinance. Encouraging results have also been shown in the enhancement of the women‟s occupation, self-confidence with respect to the capability to work on their own business and improve their lives. On the other hand, there seems no enhancement in the decision making power of women predominantly among the aged ones



Microfinance Institution

