Bulk Heterojunction, Natural, and Synthetic Dye Sensitized Photoelectrochemical Solar Energy Conversion

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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


A solid-state photoelectrochemical solar energy conversion device based on blend of poIY(3 -hexy lthi ophene) (P3HT) and 1- (3-methoxycarbony l)propyl- l-phenyl (6,6]C61 (PCBM), and an amorphous poly(ethylene oxide) complexed with 1)-11- redox couple has been constructed and characterized. The photoelectroc hemical perfonnanc( parameters of the device were compared with pure P3HT and P3HT:C60 blend solid· state photoelectrochemical ce ll. The current density-vo ltage characteristics in the darl and under white light illumination and photocurrent spectra fo r front and backsidt illuminations have been studied. An open-circuit voltage of 140 mV and a shon circuit current density of 28.4 ~cm 2 at light intensity of 100 mW/cm2 ; IPCE% 0 1.52% fo r fron t side illumination (lTOIPEDOT) and IPCE% of 0.17% for backsid, illumination (ITOIP3HT:PCBM) at a wavelength of 510 nm were obtained. Th dependence of the short-circuit current density and an open-c ircuit vo ltage on the ligh intensity and time have also been studied. A so lid-state photoelectrochemical solar energy conversion dev ice based on nc-TiC sensit ized with D i-Tetra buty lammon i u rncis-bi s( iso! h iocyanato )bis(2 ,2 ' -bi pyrid y. 4,4 '-dicarboxylato)-rutheniumOI) (N-719) dye has been constructed an characterized. The current-voltage characteristics in the dark and under whi te ligl illumination and action spectra under monochromatic illuminations have been studie. The fo llowing dev ice parameters were obtained: an open-c ircuit vo ltage of762.5 111 ' and a short circuit current density of 33.2 IJA/cm2 at light inten sity \00 mW/cm2; the IPCE% obtained was 1.7% at 330 nm. The dependence of the short-circuit current and an open-circuit vo ltage on the incident light inte nsity and illumination time have a lso been studied. OSSCs were assembled using natural dye extracted from fruits of Ookma (Syzygillm gllineense) as sensitizer. The photoelectrochem ical performance of the quasi-solid state OSSCs based on the ethanol extract dye showed Voc of 0.506 V and lsc of2.03 mAcm -2; and a power conversion effi c iency of 0.51 %. UV-vis spectroscopy studi e~ of light absorption of the nalural dye were done. Furtherm ore, the ethanol extraci obtained from Syzygillm guineense was further purified stepwise through solventsolvent extraction. The photoe lectrochemical performance for the extracts with different solvents indicated that the ind ividual components have synergisti c effect ir the performance of the OSSC. Quasi-solid state dye-sensit ized solar ce lls (OSSCs) were assembled by using the lea extracts of Amaranrhlls cal/dalus and Iresifle herbs/ii, and flower extract of Ipomoe( indica and HibisclIs sabdarifla as natural sensitizers of Ti02 fi lms. 0. 1 M HCI lea extracts of Amaranlhus calldatus and Iresifle herbsl;; mainly con tains the ye llov orange ind icaxanthin and the red purp le betacyanin whereas their respective ethane extract is mainly chlorophyll. In ethanol and 0.1 M He l extract of Ipomoea indica an Hibisclls sabdarifla anthocyani ns are the main components. The best overall so la energy conversion effic iency of 1% was obta ined, under 100 mW/cm2 irrad iatiOi with ethanol extract of Amaral/thus caudalwi, that showed a current density (l se 3.44 mNcm2 ), open circuit voltage (Voc "" 0.57 V), and a high IPCE va lue (77% at "" 4 10 nm). Also the ethanol extract of Ipomoea indica fl ower showed interestin perfollTlances, with a Jsc of3. 11 mAlcm2 , Yoc of 0.55 Y, the corresponding solar to electrical power conversion of efficiency of 0.94% and IPeE va lue (75% at A"" 420 nm). The ethanol extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa flower showed Jsc of 3.21 mNcm2 , Yoc of 0.49 Y, the corresponding solar to electrical power conversion of efficiency of 1% and IPeE va lue (50 .2% at A = 600 nm).



Photoclectrochemical ce ll, Solid State Electro lyte, Quasi-Solid Stale Electrolyte, Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, Natural Dyes

