Opportunities and Challenges of Community Based Ecotourism Establishment: The Case of Kahitestsa Forest and Environs Awi Zone, Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


The study was conducted to assess the opportunities and challenges for the establishment of CBET in Kahitesta Forest and the environs, Northern Ethiopia. Descriptive research design was employed and 91 samples selected out of 957 households through simple random sampling technique for quantitative data; however purposive sampling technique for qualitative data. The data were collected through questionnaire survey, key informant interview, field observation and secondary data sources. Over all thematic data analysis method was used. Data collected through questionnaire was analyzed through using Uni-variate descriptive statistics (range, frequency and percentage) while qualitative data was mainly used to triangulate the study to reach in to conclusion. The finding shows that the area is rich in natural and cultural tourism resources for CBET development. Moreover, accessibility and availability of accommodation in Injibara town and the community’s positive attitude towards tourism and tourists that can be developed in the area were identified as opportunities. In spite of opportunities, community’s dependency on natural resources, lack of collaboration among stakeholders, lack of financial capacity and high need of construction of infrastructures are among the challenges that can hinder the establishment of community based ecotourism in the area. It is recommended that environmentally sound, culturally friendly and economically feasible community-based ecotourism can be developed in the destination. Key words: Awi Zone, Challenges, Community-based ecotourism, Opportunities, Pro-poor tourism, Tourism Product development.


