The practices of human resource development in enhancing employees satisfaction: the case of Ethiopian institute of agricultural research (EIAR)

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Addis Ababa University


Now days, organizations operate in a complex and changing environment that greatly influences their growth and expansion. To cope up with this changing environment they need to develop their human resources. This is because the survival and growth of any organization depends on the quality of human resources. Having this in mind this study was conducted to assess the practices of Human Resource Development (HRD) in enhancing employees’ satisfaction in the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) at its head quarter, in Addis Ababa. The study used both primary and secondary data sources. Cross sectional survey was employed taking a sample of 150 respondents selected through simple random sampling technique.The datahas been collected through questionnaire. Besides questionnaire, interviews were used to supplement and verify the information. Data were analyzed and interpreted using descriptive statistics using SPSS version 20.0 and qualitative technique. The main type human resource development practices issues like:the practices of training and development,Training and Development need assessment and its methods, objectives of Training &Development, implementation techniques of training and development, factors inhibiting Training Development and the various issues of HRD practiceslike the institute’s commitment to HRD, appropriateness of HRD practices for promotion and enhancement of education of employees, opportunities for growth and development, management’s guidance and encouragements and other dimensions of HRD practices.A survey questionnaire with five point Likert scale is a main tool for gathering primary data about employees’ satisfaction with human resource development practices of the institute. The findings of the study indicated that respondents perceived the HRD practices of the institute as job description andquestionnaires were the major type of need assessment method, Training & development objectives were set in line with the organization goals, relatively focused on off the job Training &Development than on the job methods, Lack of adequate training & development to the top management is the major factor that inhibit Training &Development, the institute is not committed in active programs to upgrade employees skills & knowledge, personal growth and development to enhancing employees satisfaction, HRD unfairly focused on some work units only. Respondents also indicated their dissatisfaction with the promotional opportunities,on thejob learning and coaching practices, competition and participation and the knowledge to gain from the work they do for the institute. Moreover, majority of respondents indicated that they don’t think that the institute is the best place to develop themselves.


A master thesis submitted to the department of public administration and development management in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of masters in public management and policy


Human resource, Ethiopian
