HIV/STI Behavioral Survey among Male and Female Students in Axum University: A Comparative Study, Axum Town, Tigray, Northern Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Introduction: Efforts to reduce the spread and impact of HIV/AIDS are very much related to
changing high-risk sexual behaviors and environments facilitating high risk sexual behaviors.
This can be done successfully if these efforts are supported by relevant studies that aimed at
analysis of sexual behaviors among the potentially risk groups.
Objective: To assess and compare High Risk Sexual behaviour among male and female
university students
Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study (both quantitative and qualitative methods) were
conducted from April 20 to 30, 2010 to assess the risky sexual behavior among male and female
university students in Axum town. A total of 640students, 320 males and 320 females were
participated. A structured, pre-tested, and self-administrated questionnaire and FGD were used
for quantitative and qualitative data collection respectively.
Results: In multivariate analysis respondents’ age , drinking alcohol, chat chewing and cigarette
smoking were statistically significant with high risk sexual behavior. The mean age of the study
subjects was 20.65 +1.53. 234 (36.6%) of the study subjects had ever had sexual intercourse, and
107(33.4%). Among the sexually active students 160 (68.4%) had only one lifetime partner, 59
(25.2%) had 2-5 partners and 15 (6.4%) had more than 5 lifetime partners. The proportion of
males reported having had more than five lifetime partners was higher than females 10(7.9%)
and 5(4.7%) respectively. Males were more knowledgeable and had positive attitude than
females. Fifty two (8.1 %) of the students claimed that their chance of contracting HIV/AIDS
was high while 514 (80.3%) said there was no chance at all. Seventy four (11.6%) did not know
their risk status.
Conclusion: Age, drinking alcohol, cigarette smoking and chat chewing showed a statistically
significant association with high risk sexual behavior, males were more knowledgeable and have
positive attitude than females, in general the students had low risk perception and males had
higher risk perception than females