The Nexus between Teacher Education Institutes and Cluster Schools in Tigray Region : Practice, Impact, and Implications for the Quest for Quality Education

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Addis Ababa University


The study was suited in cluster school-Teacher Education Institutes relationship in Tigray Region which aims 10 investigate the stat liS accomplishment, practice and challenges, ill/pacl along the contours of teacher's class room practice, continuous professional development, and sense of collegiality learning envirollment with the intention of engendering the ways/means for slIswinabie partnership. Towards achieving this pllIpose, the study employed better combination of qualitative and quantitative - mixed research. Consequently, the study involved participants sllch as deans of the colleges, cluster unit coordinators of the college, schoolteachers, college inslmclors, cluster supervisors, school directors, woreda education heads and group of council SlI/denlS of the schools; using mixed sall1pling techniques. Corollary, data was collected through !jllestionnaire, in-depth interview, classroom observations, and document analysis as enriching and triangulating daw for the study. FollolVing this, quantitative (descriptive and inferential slIltislics) and qualilCltive(themcuic analysis and interpretation) sub report, mixed data analysis findings reveal thai the partnership status vitality includes most descriptions of goals and benefils at planning stage, however challenging implementation process and loosely monitoring (Ind evaluOlion system. The trainings and materials support provision the colleges render 10 the schools on the one hand, and \,vl'lllt all these supports the schools receive on the other hand, was considered as mainstay wilh the partnership's practice towards meeting its pUiposes. In e./Ject, TEls/cluster school partnership o./Jers tremendous opportunities in establishing model classes and pedagogical reS()lfrre center in Ihe schools was unprecedented. Further to this, increasing repertoire pedagogical knowledge and skills, initiating conducting actioll research as tool for professional development were emerged to accrue Fom TEIs/ciuster school partners/1lp. J-!owever, IlIOSt of these partners fllj) impacts found at the infancy stage with little desired 'lric/dedown impacts' of the potential advantages of partnership. On the top of this, the TEls/cluster schools partnership embedded Ihe dearth of documentation and comprehensive impaci research, loosely monitoring and evaluation system, lack of budget, time constraints, lack oIdelinea/ed responsibilities and involvelllent of s{({keholders, lack of o/ganizational supports as lIIultilIIdes challenges which increases Ihe pressure for enduring positive outcollles of the plII·tnel'Ship in more lIIeaningfi" and sllstainable manners. There was an apparent absence of evidence that unde/pins TElslcluster schools were immersed in the authentic collaborative ({{nlosphere, hitherto, (/S 10 securing con/msting reCiprocal opportunities in the quest for qualily of eriucation improvement. Through the education partnership lenses, the research findings encoumged crilical [re}thinking of school/TE/s partnersllljJ to emulate its potentially enduring illlpacis and for reaching developlllents for the quest quality of education improvelllents. To this end, context based strategies and plausible recollllllendations call for unceasing concerns and robust collaborative e./Jorts of stakeholders perhaps an imperative to nurture and sustain the jillure direc/ion partnership. Keywords: TEJs/e/lI sler schools parillersliip, teach er professiollal de velop/ll el/I, collegiality lea riling



TEJs/cer sler schools parillersliip, teach er professiollal de velop/ll el/I, collegiality lea riling
