Assessment of sleep quality and associated factors of adult patients admitted in the intensive care unit of Three selected hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2020
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Addis Abeba University
Background: Sleep has basic physiologic function and mental health stability that encourage
healing process progressively from severely ill. We spend almost a third of our life sleeping.
Sleep disorder is a common complication of intensive care unit (ICU) stay. The etiology of sleep
problems in patients' intensive care units (ICUs) is ignorance by clinical staffs but it thought to
be related to environmental factors and other none environmental factors. Sleep disruption
during intensive care unit stay is frequent. Sleep disturbances can play greater role negatively in
recovery from critical illness. In critical ill patients, the happening of sleep deficit has shown to
be more than 50 %
Objective: To assess factors that disturb sleep quality of adult patients admitted to the
intensive care unit in the three selected Hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2020.
Methodology: Prospective cross-sectional Design deployed in three-selected Hospitals
intensive care unit. A convenient sampling technique used to screen the participants. Modified
freedman self-reporting and personal characteristics questionnaire used to collect the data sleep
affecting environmental and none environmental factors from consented respondents who fulfill
the inclusion criteria at the time of ICU stay, at discharge or during the recovery phase who were
alert. Binary logistic and multivariable logistic regression used to obtain significant factors.
Result: - The majority of study nearly two third of participants (63.7%) were suffered from
poor sleep quality that were admitted in the ICU. The study demonstrated that sleep quality in
the ICU that mean score of sleep quality was 4.91+1.118 that significantly low compared with
mean score of sleep quality was 6.33+1.245 at home (p=0.002). Length of stay, worrying,
previous admission history, mechanical ventilation, daytime sleepiness, and marital status
reported as stastically significant with poor sleep quality. The environmental factors were noise,
pain, light and doctors/nurses activities that mean score of the factors were 6.6+1.270, 5.57+
1.270, 5.10+1.570, and 5+1.61 respectively found sleep disrupting factors.
Conclusion and recommendation:-It is obvious that hospitalized patients are suffered
from poor sleep quality in the ICU. Therefore, there are many environmental and intrinsic factors
contributing for disturbing sleep quality in ICU that identified. I recommend daily sleep quality
assessment as vital sign and incorporate in the nursing care plan by providing adequate education
and training for ICU nursing staffs.
Sleep quality , adult patients , intensive care unit